If hydration is a goal, why not rebalance your body with our hydration cocktail or mocktail incorporation fresh strawberries, cucumber, sparkling water, coconut water and The Beauty Chef Hydration Inner Beauty Boost which is a delicious organic, bio-fermented and coconut-infused probiotic. This Inner Beauty hydration hero is designed to help boost the oxygenation of blood, circulation, digestive health, maintain a healthy metabolism and enhance skin radiance from the inside out through its natural electrolytes and blend of botanical ingredients.

Makes: 1
- Muddled strawberries
- Cucumber slices
- Ice to fill desired glass (crushed or cubes)
- 25ml Hydration Boost
- 1/2 Cup organic coconut water
- 1 Cup sparkling water
- A splash of sugar syrup, maple syrup or honey to taste (optional as already sweet)
- 2 Tsp lemon juice or lime juice
- You can add drops of CBD if it's your vibe
- If you fancy adding a spirit, a 25ml shot of Vodka or Gin is probably your best bet
01. Gently muddle a few ripe strawberries (stems removed and sliced,) and a couple 1/2-inch slices of cucumber in a tall glass and top with ice.
02. Mix all liquid together and add to glass. Use enough of each ingredient to achieve your desired flavour and consistency.
03. To serve, garnish with extra sliced strawberries and cucumbers.
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