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Now more than ever you should be allowing time to relax at home where you can. Highlighted below are YK Daily's simple chill-vibes only suggestions to transform your home into a sanctuary.

Add Meaningful Touches

Look to your senses. Consider adding fresh flowers and a diffuser to your desk or coffee table to instantly invoke a sense of peace and signal that this is a safe space. Face a wall which has your favourite framed quote on it.

What scents do you love? This might be anything from the ocean to freshly baked banana bread.

What sights help you to feel calm? This might be a photo of your loved ones and a bowl of bright navel oranges.

What do you love to feel? It could be your beloved cat and a soft blanket.

What sounds help you to feel safe and connected? It might be listening to country music or the wind.

What do you love to taste? This might be anything from your best friends cookies to a juicy grapefruit.

To create a sense-based space, you might play jazz while cooking dinner, spray lavender on your pillows before bed, bake those cookies and put wind chimes on your patio.

Create A Zen Zone

Creating a specific spot in your home solely for relaxation helps you cultivate a habit of relaxation. This space can be anywhere—your spare bedroom, walk-in closet, balcony etc. Add soft blankets, fluffy pillows, twilight lights, incense, plants or flowers to name a few inviting and sensual items.

Have A Declutter Session

Having a clear out and organising all your possessions and paperwork will make your house feel like a home again and less like a dumping ground for all the things that have piled up in lockdown.

First off it’s a good idea to make a list of all the rooms or areas you plan to tackle. Decluttering your home also creates the illusion of bigger spaces, which in turn can help to make your mind feel less cluttered.

Use Special-Occasion Items

We can only stress the importance of taking out the fine china, pretty placements and linen tablecloth. Put on your favorite perfume or silk shirt. Burn the good candle you’ve been saving. This may seem frivolous, but little joys go a long way.


Being creative can be a great way to improve your mood and hopefully you’ll be able to give a room in your home a new lease of life, too.

Try choosing a soothing colour scheme so that you have somewhere in your home that helps you to relax in. According to the experts, subtle greens are brilliantly calming for bedrooms.

Its earthiness brings the outside in, distracting us from our phones and devices in the process.

Create A Dedicated Workspace

If you’ve been working from home and your set-up has been on the sofa or propped up in bed, you might be finding it difficult to disconnect from work when it gets to ‘home time’.

So, if you have room to, it can be really helpful to create a separate workspace from where you watch TV or relax after work.

Having a physical distinction between work and play might help you switch off at the end of your shift, though we do realise many people don’t have the space to do so.

Transform Your Garden Or Balcony

Getting out to enjoy the sunshine, as well as giving us some vital vitamin D, is a great opportunity to turn part of your home into a sanctuary.

Have a go at planting some flowers, as it’s relatively simple way to add some colour to your garden. If, like us, you’re not a natural at this sort of thing, go for hardy plant options, like hydrangeas.

Or maybe you could add a swing seat – with a perfect view of the rest of the garden – for the ultimate place to read your new book with a glass of wine?

If you have a balcony, try growing some herbs. They usually come in small containers so they’re perfect for balconies.

Focus On The Light

This might sound like an obvious tip, but it can make such a massive impact. When you wake up in the mornings, you might be tempted to leave the blinds closed while you make a coffee and start your working day.

But if the first thing you do each day is open up the blinds or curtains to let in natural sunlight, you might find that it subconsciously makes you feel a bit more optimistic about the day ahead.

To maximise the amount of sunlight in your home, have a go at cleaning your windows if you get a spare half an hour.

Have Somewhere To Workout

To keep your mind and body as healthy as you can, try to find space in your home where you can exercise, even if only for a few minutes at a time.

You might have to temporarily rearrange some furniture, but there are loads of great home workout videos online to help inspire you if it’s the last thing you want to be doing.

Use Your Favourite Places As Inspiration

Reflect on how you can channel the atmospheres of your favourite places into your home. You might reflect on how your favourite cafe or yoga studio evokes a sense of peace. Maybe the cafe has comfortable seating and the scent of sweet, strong coffee. Maybe the yoga studio diffuses calm-inducing lavender and has a minimalist aesthetic. You could even print out pictures of your favourite country and dot them around your house.

Bring The Outdoors In

Bring some greenery into your home. Think about where in your home a statement plant would look great, or maybe just try to have a fresh bunch of flowers on show as often as you can.

Another handy tip is to use materials such as stone or wood, which are normally found outdoors, and make them a part of your home’s interior décor.

Did you know there are many air purifying plants great for the house, that not only look goos, but will improve the air quality, like Aloe Vera and Bamboo.

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