Katie Pierce

4 min

5 Surprising Reasons For SCARY HAIR LOSS

Updated: Nov 25, 2022

It can be distressing to see a thick clump of hair every time you comb, wash, or style your locks. Hair loss may cause anxiety, depression, and social phobia, and some of us may even get convinced there is a hidden serious condition causing what seems like excessive shedding.

Words by Katie Pierce

However, whether you're simply losing more than normal or have started to show signs of balding, know that you're not alone. Alopecia (hair loss) is a relatively common issue that can begin as early as your twenties.

While genetics and hormones are two of the most common causes of hair loss in women, there are several other surprising reasons behind your thinning hairline, such as your diet, hormonal changes, and how you style your hair.

Check out the list below to see whether one of these factors is the reason behind your possible hair loss. Once you identify what's causing your hair shedding, you can find ways to help prevent damage to your hair.

Stress & Anxiety

Anxiety is the physiological response of the body to stressful, harmful, or unfamiliar situations. Anxiety has both mental and physical symptoms, including restlessness, nausea, and hair loss. You may suddenly lose large clumps of hair for no apparent reason. While hair can grow back, prolonged anxiety and stress may lead to chronic hair loss and bald patches on the scalp.

Stress and anxiety also increase skin sebum production, muscle tension, and hormonal imbalance. As your body attempts to resolve these issues, essential nutrients required for hair growth may be depleted.

Thankfully, hair loss associated with stress and anxiety is often temporary. Once you minimise the amount of stress in your life, your hair will regrow normally. Consider introducing activities such as meditation or yoga into your routine to help reduce anxiety and stress levels.

Excessive Styling & Tight Ponytails

Frequent heat styling and chemical treatments are among the primary reasons behind traction alopecia, a kind of hair loss caused by tugging on your hair repeatedly. A variety of things may cause traction alopecia, including tight ponytails, hair extensions, hair color, and straightening treatments.

Overly tight ponytails, braids, and cornrows may place undue stress on the hair follicle, resulting in hair loss and irreversible hair damage. If caught early and you cease pulling your hair, your hair should resume normal growth patterns.

Stop wearing your hair in styles that irritate your scalp, and cut down on dyeing, chemicals, and heat tools. Moreover, while ponytails help keep your hair out of your face, it's best to wear looser styles or let your hair down as much as possible whether you're at home, at work, or even on the track.

Having A Baby

Due to a boost in pregnancy hormones, many expectant mothers discover that their mane gets thicker, fuller, and shinier. Once they give birth, however, the surge of hormones quickly leaves their body, giving them hardly any time to adjust. Hair loss is one of the negative effects of this hormone deficiency.

Hair loss typically occurs three months after giving birth, or when mothers stop breastfeeding, but it is just temporary and should not lead to baldness.

While losing a lot of hair after having a baby may seem worrisome, remember that you shed less than normal during pregnancy, so even with post-pregnancy hair loss, your hair should be around the same thickness as it was before you conceived.

Poor Nutrition

If you're attempting to lose weight by going on a crash diet that limits key nutrients, you're likely to lose your hair as well. Excessive hair loss can be caused by poor diets and a lack of protein, iron, vitamins, and other essential nutrients.

Your body needs both iron and ferritin to produce hair cell protein. Excessive hair fall might occur if your diet lacks iron- and protein-rich foods such as fish, lean meat, eggs, nuts, and dark leafy green vegetables.

To reduce shedding, go for gradual weight loss and maintain a healthy diet packed with healthy nutrients.


Many women experience hair loss as a result of hormonal changes that occur during menopause when hair follicles shrink. While hair loss is normal throughout menopause, women over 40 should not expect their hair to be as thick as it once was.

Practice self care during menopause by sticking to a nutrient-rich diet. The best way to prevent hair loss is to maintain a well-balanced, low-fat diet. Ensure that each meal contains enough protein, iron, antioxidants, vitamin D, and biotin to promote hair health. Taking folic acid supplements, as well as drinking green tea, may also help restore hair growth.

Dealing With Hair Loss

While preventing hair loss caused by genetics, aging, medical conditions, and injuries might be difficult, preventing hair loss caused by harsh chemicals or tight hairstyles is easy. Furthermore, you can inhibit hair thinning and encourage hair growth by eating a healthy diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein.

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